Compliance Update



As webmasters will be aware, there has been significant restrictions in advertising guidelines from the UK Gambling Commission and the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

ActiveWins has always taken affiliate marketing and compliance seriously, including how our affiliates work on behalf of the operators we represent.

ActiveWins is committed to continuing our close relationship with affiliates who are currently promoting our brands. We are keen to offer our assistance to ensure we meet all compliance guidelines and standards set by the Gambling Commission and the ASA. As such, we require sign-off for affiliate and social marketing for any self-built creative.

To help our affiliate partners, we have added a compliance section to our website and have uploaded the latest compliance guidelines providing clear advice on what is needed and how you should be promoting our brands to ensure your advertisements are compliant.

Please take time to read this carefully and send in any self-generated creative and content  for a compliance review from the following channels:

• Media Buying
• Affiliate Networks

Affiliates found to be running non-compliant advertising on these channels or has not had sign off on adverts and traffic sources will have their account suspended until we can approve the requested information.

We understand that the majority of our affiliate partners meet the existing regulations, and we must ensure affiliates who may be currently noncompliant have full approval on behalf of the program and our operators. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, and we look forward to continuing to work with our affiliate partners closely.


